Anne Cameron Mediation strives to provide a quality experience for everyone participating in family law litigation and dispute resolution by using the Mediation process. Mediation is a voluntary process to resolve or discuss conflict in an effort to reduce or modify the situation. A process of self-determination, mediation utilized the skills of a neutral third-party mediator to facilitate the conversation, brainstorm, and explore resolutions through active listening and exploring ideas.
After practicing law and high-conflict litigation for 20 years, Anne changed the focus of her practice to reduce the stress and financial burden of divorce and family conflict by steering away from the courtroom into the conference room to resolve divorce and custody issues.
Litigation and courtroom practice are still necessary sometimes, but a majority of families don’t need to go to court for a divorce or to move forward in a new family formation.
The mission of Anne Cameron Mediation is to provide an alternative to the emotionally and financially draining process of litigated divorce by using the collaborative and peacemaking strategies to aid in conflict resolution to navigate divorce and child custody.
Mediated Divorce helps families resolve divorce or family law issues with trained professionals who help families to reduce conflict and stay out of the courtroom. Families that participate in mediation for divorce or custody disputes tend to move through difficult transitions with reduced conflict and hostility, and put the needs of the family and children first .
Family-Oriented & Divorce Mediation
Past Chairman of Utah Association of Collaborative Professionals
Member Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee of the Utah Judicial Council
Member International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
Member Utah Council on Conflict Resolution
Member Southern California Mediation Association
Member Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
Former Member of the Park City Bar Association Board of Directors
Former Member of the Board of Directors for Nuzzles & Co. (pet rescue and adoption)
Formerly on the Board of Governors at the Jeremy Ranch Golf & Country Club
About Me
Anne A. Cameron
Anne is currently in private practice as an attorney mediator, focusing on family law mediation. Anne is a Court Rostered Domestic Mediator.
Anne first trained as a mediator in 2008 while practicing as a litigation attorney and Collaborative Attorney.
Anne continues to attend and participate in mediation and Collaborative trainings both as a student and speaker.
In 2022, Anne limited her practice to mediation in order to focus on alternative dispute resolution and further devote her energy to facilitating sustainable solutions for families in conflict.

Costs and Fees

Mediation Consultation Fees
Divorce Consultation
The cost of a Mediation Consultation is $100 for 1 hour. This is not a mediation session, but a consultation about the process and documentation that will be needed for a fruitful mediation, as well as an opportunity to meet to determine if we will work well together.
A two hour single sitting divorce consultation is $650.
Mediation fees are $200 per hour for the actual length of the mediation, with a two-hour minimum. Fees for mediation sessions are due and payable at the conclusion of each mediation session. The fee is typically split in half between the parties . Credit card authorization for two hours is required to confirm a mediation.

Document Drafting
Document drafting services are on a flat fee basis for drafting and filing the documents necessary to finalize the Stipulation and Decree/Order with the Court. Divorce and custody paperwork ranges from $2,000 if there are no minor children involved to $2,500 if there are minor children because there are additional documents necessary if children are involved. Fees for Modification Document Drafting are based on the time required to draft the documents. Court filing fees are in addition to the drafting fee.
What is Divorce/Family Law Mediation?Divorce/Family Law Mediation is process to settle a divorce and to resolve the issues and finalize the divorce or custody dispute, without going to Court. The documents drafted at the conclusion of Mediation should be filed with the Court for the Judge to sign to make the Divorce final. It is a cost-effective process that is recognized by Utah Law and is beneficial for many families to remove the “threat of Court” when they are negotiating their divorce.
Why Choose Divorce/Family Law Mediation?Mediation for Divorce, Paternity, Child Custody, or the modification of existing orders can reduce the negative impact on children and community relationships and support of the family as a whole, by reducing the tension while the family changes into a new format and structure. Mediated cases help temper the negative feelings and the sensation of fighting is lessened in the family and for the community that supports the family going through transition. While many people are involved, it is a remarkably efficient use of dollars, energy, time, and emotion.
Who is Involved in Divorce/Family Law Mediation Cases?Mediation can involve as many or as few professionals as the family would like. The spouses or partners, child specialist, divorce coaches, mental health professionals, financial professionals and analysts can all be involved, or just the parties and the mediator.
Is Mediated Divorce More Expensive than Regular Divorce?Mediation can get expensive, but it is actually more economically efficient than litigation (going to Court). The participants agreed to use the process and work through difficult issues rather than fighting it out in Court and paying attorneys to prepare and go to Court. While many people may involved, it is a remarkably efficient use of dollars, energy, time, and emotion compared to litigation and going to Court.
Is Divorce/Family Law Mediation Easy?No divorce or break up of a family is easy, but Mediation is definitely more humane than going to Court. The emotional issues remain, but the drama and conflict of a court battle are mitigated and often the family learns how to communicate more effectively (or less painfully) as part of the mediation process. While many people are involved, it is a remarkably efficient use of dollars, energy, time, and emotion.
Is Divorce/Family Law Mediation Faster than Court?In many cases, families that elect to use the Mediation Process to resolve their divorce find it moves much more swiftly, or at the pace that is correct for them, rather than for the court system. Many of the hurdles and hoops of the court system are relaxed or waived entirely when the family chooses the Mediation process.
What if We Can’t Solve our Divorce in Mediation?Most cases are resolved with the Mediation process, but some are not. If you are not able to resolve your case in Mediation, and one or both of you decide to terminate the process, both parties need to hire lawyers for court. Often the lawyers will invite the parties to return to mediation with the lawyers present and often they are able to come to a resolution.
How Long Has Anne Cameron been practicing Mediation and Collaborative Family Law?Anne was initially training in the Collaborative Process in 2008. In 2018, Anne transitioned her practice to reduced conflict and Collaborative Law only, and started to build her mediation practice. In 2022, Anne limited her practice to Mediation working with people representing themselves as well as mediating cases with attorneys.
What is Document Drafting?When a family has come to a divorce/child custody, modification, etc. resolution in Mediation, the “Settlement” should be put in writing and filed with the Court in order to get a Court Order. Anne is a licensed attorney in Utah and provides a flat fee document drafting service. Anne will draft your documents (Petition for Divorce, Parenting Plan, Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Decree of Divorce, along with the other necessary paperwork) for your review and signature, and file everything with the Court for your case.
What is a Mediation Consultation?A mediation consultation is a 1-hour meeting to discuss the mediation process and what type of information is helpful or necessary for a successful mediation. This is not a mediation session, but a consultation about the process and documentation that will be needed for a fruitful mediation, as well as an opportunity to meet to determine if we will work well together.
What is a Single Sitting Divorce Consultation?A Single Sitting Divorce Consultation is a two-hour educational consultation during which includes an explanation of the separation/divorce process, provides information and forms, answer questions specific to the clients’ issues, and provides any necessary referrals.
Can I have a Single Sitting Divorce Consultation and then use Anne Cameron as a Mediator?No, Anne is not able to be the mediator after having a Single Sitting Divorce Consultation.